Portable 4G LTE and 3G Mobile Phone Jammer Antenna

Price:   US$18.00

  • Model: CEC_JAM_00399
  • Shipping Weight: 0.15kg
  • 168 Units in Stock

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****45Days Refund Or Replacement,18Month Warranty.Free Shipping Worldwide From EU,AU,UK,US,HK Warehouse Enjoy Customs Duties Free.
(Processing Order In 12hours,Complete Orders Today,Deliverd Around 12/09/2024)

Product Description

It is really a pity when you own a mobile phone jammer, but it can’t work because only the antenna is broken. Don’t worry this Portable 4G LTE and 3G Mobile Phone Jammer Antenna can solve the problem. As it can instead the broken antenna and make it possible for the mobile phone jammer to work as usual. And seen from another point it can help you save money as you don’t have to buy a new one.

If you are in need of such an antenna, you can come here and buy this high quality antenna to replace the broken one.


  • Antennas for Jammer model JM170137


  • 4pcs 4G LTE and 3G Mobile Phone Jammer Antennas
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